Invisalign treatment explained from start to finish
People in search of orthodontic treatment may be pleased to hear that there is a teeth-straightening option that does not require metal braces. Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that correctly aligns teeth without the use of metal braces.
Invisalign uses clear aligners created from images generated by a computer model and impressions taken from your mouth by your dentist and their team to change the position of your teeth.
How Invisalign works
While traditional braces use fixed metal wires to pull your teeth into alignment, Invisalign straightens your teeth by using a series of custom-made plastic aligners that, over a few months, shift your teeth into their new and correct position.
Initial Consultation
Once you decide that you are interested in Invisalign, you will have an initial consultation where you meet with a dentist. With the dentist, you will have a conversation about the Invisalign process including exactly how Invisalign works and the estimated cost for you.
X-rays and Photographs
As part of your consultation, you may have X-rays taken once you have made the decision to go ahead with the treatment. Your dentist will take X-rays and photographs of your mouth, teeth and face from different angles so that your dentist has a detailed idea of your mouth to base their dental work on.
Patients may require small composite patches applied to each tooth to help Invisalign aligners grip onto each tooth and shift them. The patches are made of the composite material used in fillings and will be removed easily, with no discomfort, at the end of the Invisalign process in Newmarket.
A patient may also need interproximal reduction, if necessary. This procedure is done to create more space between teeth when a patient’s mouth is crowded. The dentist would use discs to remove some enamel, freeing the tooth for less restricted movement.
First fitting
At the visit when you get the composite patches and interproximal reduction (if necessary), you will also get your first feel of Invisalign braces. The aligners should feel tight when you first put them on. Your dentist will review the fit and may look at different moulds before they are pleased with the results. They will ask you how you feel, your level of discomfort and whether you can feel any movement.
Changing Invisalign Aligners
The Invisalign aligners that you have will be changed every one to two weeks, depending on what your dentist determines is the best treatment for you. Each new aligner is built as the next phase in the movement of your teeth, eventually moving your teeth to your ideal goal.
Cleaning and Maintenance
You need to clean your trays thoroughly in the morning and at night. You can do this before or after you brush your teeth. The trays need to be cleaned to remove any bacteria that developed during the day or overnight. If you don’t clean the trays well, they will start to smell. You clean them with a toothbrush, but without toothpaste. You should also rinse the trays whenever you take them out during the day and after every meal.
How painful is Invisalign?
With Invisalign, you should not be feeling any pain. When you first begin to wear Invisalign braces, you may feel strange changes in your mouth and a level of discomfort, like aching teeth. This feeling of discomfort should stop a few days after every tray change. You may also feel tooth sensitivity, but that too should subside. If your teeth do experience sensitivity, you can use toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth during that period.
Schedule a free consultation with Dawson Dental to talk about Invisalign for yourself or a loved one. Modern dentistry has made Invisalign one of the easiest and most pain-free ways of correcting misaligned teeth.