How to Clean Your Teeth Like a Dentist

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Have you ever wondered how your dentist cleans their teeth? Do they have special tools available for home use because they work in the industry? Are they tempted to skip flossing on nights when they are just too tired? Do they carry a toothbrush with them wherever they go so that they can brush even after a cup of coffee? Here, we reveal the secret dental cleaning habits of dentists that Brampton patients trust, so you can make your best effort to keep your teeth and gums super-healthy.

Dentists Brush Regularly

The dentists that Brampton patients visit don’t brush their teeth all day long. Instead, they stick to the same schedule they recommend for their patients: brushing twice a day. While some people might say you should brush your teeth after every meal and snack, this can be bad for your teeth, especially if you brush directly after eating or drinking. This is because the acids that remain in your mouth can be pushed onto your teeth surface.

Sticking to a simple morning and evening routine works just fine, and always wait at least 30 minutes before brushing if you’ve just eaten breakfast or a bedtime snack.

Dentists Use the Right Toothbrush

Well, of course they do, because they know which toothbrush is right for their needs. This might be harder to decide when you are out shopping for your toothbrush. Instinct might lead you towards medium or firm brushes, but soft brushes are actually your best bet, especially if you have tooth sensitivity. When in doubt, choose medium and avoid firm as they tend to be too abrasive.

Also, keep comfort in mind. If you find your brush is uncomfortable, you might not brush properly. For example, a smaller toothbrush will provide better reach. This is also important for kids, so they should always use an age-appropriate toothbrush with soft bristles.

An electric toothbrush might not be for everyone, but they do offer some benefits. They are designed to fit better in your mouth and also keep brushing consistent. The oscillating head has the perfect motion to help remove debris. Many come with timers, so you always know you’ve brushed long enough. If you tend to be an aggressive brusher, you can choose a model with a pressure sensor.

Dentists Choose a Protective Toothpaste

Not all toothpastes are created equal. Always choose a toothpaste with fluoride to promote strong, healthy teeth.

It might be tempting to choose whitening toothpaste, but for regular use, whitening toothpastes are far too abrasive. Instead of keeping your teeth sparkling and bright, they can cause your teeth to fade and even yellow if the abrasion erodes your tooth enamel.

If you have sensitive teeth, use a sensitive toothpaste. You will reduce sensitivity while reaping the benefits of a good oral hygiene regime.

Dentists Clean Their Entire Mouth

As mentioned, a smaller toothbrush head will allow you to reach all angles of your mouth easily. It is easy to miss your back teeth, as well as your lower front teeth, while brushing. If you use a precise brushing method, you can start at the back upper molars, make your way around to the molars on the opposite side, and then do the same for your lower teeth. This helps you clean each tooth effectively.

As well, use circular motions to work the gums so that you can release plaque and debris. This also promotes gum health. Avoid aggressive brushing, as this can lead to pain, not to mention bleeding of your gums.  

Flossing is also important for removing debris and helping your gums remain healthy. You can get between your teeth and remove particles of food. These are the little culprits that can lead to plaque build-up, tooth decay, and gum disease. It’s actually a little-known fact that it’s best to floss before brushing. You then more effectively remove the rest of the debris and rinse it away after brushing.

Dentists Use Mouthwash

As a final step following brushing and flossing, mouthwash provides a good rinse to rid your mouth of plaque and debris while helping to kill bacteria. This provides fresher breath as well. Avoid mouthwashes that offer whitening or enamel restoration and, instead, choose one that has an antibacterial formula.

Dentists Brush for Two Minutes

Even if you brush twice a day, if you don’t brush long enough, you won’t reap the full benefits of brushing. Two minutes is recommended to provide a thorough cleaning and reach all the surfaces.

Dentists Brush Gently

Many people are under the misconception that brushing harder will provide more effective cleaning. This is incorrect. Gentle brushing is always best, as when you push too hard, you can actually cause damage.

Aggressive brushing can degrade tooth enamel and also damage your gums. If you experience sensitivity, pain, or bleeding, ease up on your pressure. Even if you forget to brush your teeth, there’s no need to press extra hard to make up for the last time. Gentle, consistent pressure is all that is needed for a thorough cleaning.

Dentists Don’t Over Whiten

Although you want to have a clean, bright smile, whitening is not always recommended. Whitening products contain harsh bleaches, which are not intended for excessive or regular use. If you wish to whiten your teeth, speak to your dentist about your best options. If you use over-the-counter whitening products too often, you could wear down enamel and also cause extreme sensitivity.

Dentists Get Regular Professional Cleanings

Last, but not least, your dentist books regular dental checkups with their dental hygienist twice a year. They provide a thorough professional cleaning, as well as a checkup to look for potential issues.

At your regular checkups, you can also receive a fluoride treatment and discuss any concerns you might have about your dental health. Your hygienist will also offer hygiene tips to optimize your dental health. 

As you can see, dentists follow the same dental hygiene regime they recommend for their patients. Sticking to these rules will help keep your teeth and gums healthy for life. 

To learn more about the proper dental care that Brampton dentists offer, call Dawson Dental at 1-855-406-2742 or contact us here.